Year | Title | Study | Citation | View |
2018 |
Early life determinants of cardiovascular health in adulthood. The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort study | Aboriginal Birth Cohort |
Sjöholm, P., Pahkala, K., Davison, B., Juonala, M. and Singh, G.R., 2018. Early life determinants of cardiovascular health in adulthood. The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort study. International Journal of Cardiology. |
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2018 |
Nutritional dual burden in Indigenous young adults: The geographical differential. | Aboriginal Birth Cohort |
Davison, B. , Goodall, J. , Whalan, S. , Montgomery‐Quin, K. , Howarth, T. and Singh, G. (2019), Nutritional dual burden in Indigenous young adults: The geographical differential. Aust. J. Rural Health. doi:10.1111/ajr.12439 |
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2018 |
Sub-optimal protection against past hepatitis B virus infection where subtype mismatch exists between vaccine and circulating viral genotype in northern Australia. | Aboriginal Birth Cohort |
Cheah, B.C., Davies, J., Singh, G.R., Wood, N., Jackson, K., Littlejohn, M., Davison, B., McIntyre, P., Locarnini, S., Davis, J.S. and Tong, S.Y.C., 2018. Sub-optimal protection against past hepatitis B virus infection where subtype mismatch exists between vaccine and circulating viral genotype in northern Australia. Vaccine, 36(24), pp.3533-3540. |
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2017 |
Cohort Profile: The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study | Aboriginal Birth Cohort |
Susan M Sayers, Dorothy Mackerras, Gurmeet R Singh; Cohort Profile: The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 46, Issue 5, 1 October 2017, Pages 1383–1383f, |
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2017 |
Indigenous Australian household structure: a simple data collection tool and implications for close contact transmission of communicable diseases | Aboriginal Birth Cohort |
Vino, T., Singh, G.R., Davison, B., Campbell, P.T., Lydeamore, M.J., Robinson, A., McVernon, J., Tong, S.Y. and Geard, N., 2017. Indigenous Australian household structure: a simple data collection tool and implications for close contact transmission of communicable diseases. PeerJ, 5, p.e3958. |
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