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Early life determinants of cardiovascular health in adulthood. The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort study Aboriginal Birth Cohort

Sjöholm, P., Pahkala, K., Davison, B., Juonala, M. and Singh, G.R., 2018. Early life determinants of cardiovascular health in adulthood. The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort study. International Journal of Cardiology.

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Nutritional dual burden in Indigenous young adults: The geographical differential. Aboriginal Birth Cohort

Davison, B. , Goodall, J. , Whalan, S. , Montgomery‐Quin, K. , Howarth, T. and Singh, G. (2019), Nutritional dual burden in Indigenous young adults: The geographical differential. Aust. J. Rural Health. doi:10.1111/ajr.12439

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Sub-optimal protection against past hepatitis B virus infection where subtype mismatch exists between vaccine and circulating viral genotype in northern Australia. Aboriginal Birth Cohort

Cheah, B.C., Davies, J., Singh, G.R., Wood, N., Jackson, K., Littlejohn, M., Davison, B., McIntyre, P., Locarnini, S., Davis, J.S. and Tong, S.Y.C., 2018. Sub-optimal protection against past hepatitis B virus infection where subtype mismatch exists between vaccine and circulating viral genotype in northern Australia. Vaccine, 36(24), pp.3533-3540.

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Cohort Profile: The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study Aboriginal Birth Cohort

Susan M Sayers, Dorothy Mackerras, Gurmeet R Singh; Cohort Profile: The Australian Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 46, Issue 5, 1 October 2017, Pages 1383–1383f,

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Indigenous Australian household structure: a simple data collection tool and implications for close contact transmission of communicable diseases Aboriginal Birth Cohort

Vino, T., Singh, G.R., Davison, B., Campbell, P.T., Lydeamore, M.J., Robinson, A., McVernon, J., Tong, S.Y. and Geard, N., 2017. Indigenous Australian household structure: a simple data collection tool and implications for close contact transmission of communicable diseases. PeerJ, 5, p.e3958.

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